A Friend for Life

by - 10:20 AM

There are some people in life that from the moment you meet, you know you'll be lifelong friends.

That wasn't the case with Jessica.

Jessica and I met when I was 14 years old at a summer missionary training camp. I thought she was adorable, fun loving, adventurous and great friend material.

She couldn't stand me.

Thankfully I knew nothing of that, and the next year at the same camp when I found out who my roommates were, I was excited! You guessed it - Jessica. Her feelings as you can imagine, weren't quite on the same level, but that year as roommates we had so much fun together that it launched us into not only friends, but sisters on some level.


Like Sisters.

She starting going on family vacation with us.

We continued to go to camp together, but then branched out to working with inner city youth at a camp in Michigan, piling into an overloaded back seat and driving through to visit family in South Carolina, spent many nights sleeping over at each other's houses, survived manual transmission driving lessons, prepped for big celebrations like home school banquets and graduation parties, and she was at my side the day I married my sweetheart.

We have walked beside each other through falling in love, hearts broken, wanting babies, having babies, family hardships, and so many other moments.

I'm thrilled that we are now celebrating another momentous event- the celebration of a new life!

Jessica is radiant.

Love ya girl and can't wait to meet your little sweetheart. 

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