A Beautiful Life

by - 10:03 PM

Sometimes it is difficult to see the beauty in our every day moments. We partner with our spouse in the business of raising our family - getting everyone to their activities, paying bills, making dinner, cleaning, work, and all the other demands on our time and energy. There are so many good and beautiful moments, but to us it just feels like routine, or, in some moments, the chaos of no routine! 

One of the beautiful gifts of my job is that I get to freeze time for just a moment. I see the knowing glances between couples when their kids do something adorable.  And the silly faces made that you see every day from your kids, but don't realize how quickly time moves on and that silly face will mature and move on with it. I get to preserve the beauty in the every day, and it is my absolute favorite thing!  

I was excited when Bri and Tanner asked me to take their family pictures. They have been extending their love and home a bit extra these days, so they needed to update their pictures on their walls. It was such a fun session - even the teenagers said so! Ha! 

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