Mr. R is a lucky little guy to be a part of this family filled with love and togetherness. I loved getting to know the whole fam and snuggling such a sweet little one. Congratulations James and Kylie!
This is the place where all my true loves coincide - photography, Photoshop and babies.
My baby sis is about to have a baby of her own. To celebrate we went out and took a few pictures to capture the miracle taking place in her body right now. I have been thinking about doing a post about photoshop and some of the amazing tricks you can do to spice up your pics. So, for a bit of fun, mouse over the picture to see the "befores." (note: it might take a few seconds for the before pictures to load)

My baby sis is about to have a baby of her own. To celebrate we went out and took a few pictures to capture the miracle taking place in her body right now. I have been thinking about doing a post about photoshop and some of the amazing tricks you can do to spice up your pics. So, for a bit of fun, mouse over the picture to see the "befores." (note: it might take a few seconds for the before pictures to load)