Remember these eyes?

Miss K (AKA Princess) is growing so fast. Saturday I got to update her pictures and share with you all how big she has gotten. We had a great time, but I do have to say she was much more interested in playing with Mr. T than she was with me.

Miss K (AKA Princess) is growing so fast. Saturday I got to update her pictures and share with you all how big she has gotten. We had a great time, but I do have to say she was much more interested in playing with Mr. T than she was with me.
I can't believe that Ava is almost 1 already. It seems like just a month or 2 ago that we took this picture.
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On a side note, I have been trying to figure out the best way to host my pictures and post them on the blog. I have tried picasa and photobucket. Any ideas? Are these pictures too big? Should I resize them so you can see the whole picture on the screen at the same time? Leave a comment and let me know what you think.
Katie and Tom had 2 other great photographers for their wedding. Dave Standley has been a friend of the family for more years than I am old! His wife Laurie was a bridesmaid in my mom's wedding and has helped all of us girls with our wedding flowers and decorations.
Katie's second photographer is Kendra DeFord. More of her work later.
Anyway, since I am a part of the family, and was a part of the wedding, it was impossible for me to be in the pictures and take them at the same time.
Here is a sampling of some of Dave's photography art.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I love photography, but I really love Photoshop! It always amazes me the things you can do to spice up your photographs. Here is just one example for you. This first one is SOOC (straight out of camera).

It is a really pretty picture, but doesn't quite stand out. I like the composition quite a bit, but the picture isn't for a magazine cover, it is of my lovely sis and her wonderful new husband. Also, the clouds that were so cool in the background are a little bit blown out in this picture.
So, I started out by finding another picture that was similar with a slightly different exposure. The sky was blue and beautiful! I dropped the new sky picture onto the original, automatically creating another layer. The sky layer was placed below the original, then using a mask, I "cut" out the top of this picture so what you would see was the new sky. (Sorry this is a bit confusing)

Using the burn tool, I made parts of the sky a little more dramatic and added depth to the picture while keeping the look of sunshine on the bride and groom. I added a "warmer" action from the Pioneer Woman Actions for some additional color in the field and a sunny appearance overall.
I cropped it so you can clearly see the beautiful couple, and tada! Done.

So, what do you think?

It is a really pretty picture, but doesn't quite stand out. I like the composition quite a bit, but the picture isn't for a magazine cover, it is of my lovely sis and her wonderful new husband. Also, the clouds that were so cool in the background are a little bit blown out in this picture.
So, I started out by finding another picture that was similar with a slightly different exposure. The sky was blue and beautiful! I dropped the new sky picture onto the original, automatically creating another layer. The sky layer was placed below the original, then using a mask, I "cut" out the top of this picture so what you would see was the new sky. (Sorry this is a bit confusing)

Using the burn tool, I made parts of the sky a little more dramatic and added depth to the picture while keeping the look of sunshine on the bride and groom. I added a "warmer" action from the Pioneer Woman Actions for some additional color in the field and a sunny appearance overall.
I cropped it so you can clearly see the beautiful couple, and tada! Done.

So, what do you think?
As I promised, here are some more pictures of Katie's wedding.
This picture was taken after the ceremony. I love how content they both look.

I don't even have words for this next one.
Above picture photographed by Kendra DeFord
I am still trying to work out all the bugs on my new blog site, so please forgive me if things aren't working quite right.
I will post more tomorrow!
This picture was taken after the ceremony. I love how content they both look.

I don't even have words for this next one.
Above picture photographed by Kendra DeFord
I am still trying to work out all the bugs on my new blog site, so please forgive me if things aren't working quite right.
I will post more tomorrow!
My baby sister got married last weekend in what I would consider a fairy tale wedding. It was absolutely beautiful. Most weddings have things that go wrong, but there was almost nothing that went wrong for Katie. She was beautiful and relaxed.
I didn't take all the pictures for the wedding, but here are I few that I did take. Hopefully I will have more posted later this week.

About Me
Hi! I’m Julie Boysen (the B behind [B] Inspired!) While I joke that my full time boss is my sweet baby and my energetic son, photography is the way I choose to fill the rest of my time.
Creating beautiful images is my escape, creative passion and the excuse to satisfy my naturally nerd-y/geek tendancies.
I am a Nebraska girl and love the wide open spaces of our tiny hometown, but I also love the conveniences of the city (Oh, Hello Starbucks!). I fall prey to the hypnotic effects of Target, (”I only need 1 thing... how did all of this end up in my cart????”) and I frequently spend the time that I should be doing my laundry on dreaming about my next vacation/stay-cation.
Anthony (the original [B]) is the love of my life and adventure partner. He has faithfully supported me and loved me through thick and thin for 15+ years now. We are big fans of marriage and I am a much better person because of him.
Thank you so much for trusting me to photograph your most precious treasures in life- your family! I love being a part of your celebrations, monumental moments, as well as documenting the sweetness of everyday life that when you’ll miss the most. Without you, living my dream would not be possible.
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