Ethan and Jaz

by - 6:21 PM

I was chatting with a friend at the beginning of the year about photography, business, enneagram numbers, personality, and how all of that affects how we view and manage our businesses. Sometimes dinner and a conversation with a friend can help you to have clarity about who you are. I certainly had that moment of clarity when she looked at me and said, "You love to photograph love."  She was absolutely right! 

When people ask me what my favorite thing is to photograph, in the past I have said, "Well, I love babies- and littles - and families- and engagements - and weddings, and I can't really pick just one favorite." What it comes down to it, my favorite thing is watching connections between people. Affection. Tenderness. Body Language. Knowing looks. I love LOVE!

This past week I had the privilege, again, of doing my favorite thing. I had met both Ethan and Jaz, but hadn't really had the chance to see them together.

The way he holds her. 

The way she looks at him. 

I'm looking forward to capturing more of their love in less than 1 week.


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